Growth Deal can put Ayrshire at the forefront of the fourth Industrial Revolution


The Klin Group Chair, Marie Macklin C.B.E. was guest business speaker at the Ayrshire Growth Deal at North Ayrshire Council HQ.

Marie said ‘We have the opportunity to create a new ‘golden dream’ for the economic prosperity of Ayrshire. In this room are the policy makers, current leaders and future leaders from private, public and third sectors who have responsibility for developing ideas and tools to address the pressing economic issues of Ayrshire in the 21st century.

“Ayrshire was at the forefront of the first Industrial Revolution and now we have entered the fourth such revolution -- the Digital Revolution.  We need to seize the moment for our young people and create an infrastructure  of land, sea and air - using assets in the key locations in the Ayrshire Growth Deal plan within East , North and South Ayrshire to develop an innovative, smart, productive and inclusive economy.

“Our priority must be job creation. We need to open our minds and forge new partnerships by engaging more on the international stage with emerging economies which account for 60% of global GDP and have contributed 80% of global growth since the 2008 financial crisis.

“I want to see new commercial hubs through Ayrshire, all being driven through our first class entrepreneurial education programmes in schools, Ayrshire College and University of West of Scotland.

“Just like Johnnie Walker and Andrew Barclay the 19th century Ayrshire entrepreneurs, we need to do all we can to build a truly entrepreneurial society. The Ayrshire Growth Deal is an important element in stimulating combined efforts to ensure that this area is at the forefront, not the coat tails of the new Industrial Revolution”.